

  • Brand Audit
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Creation & CID
  • Packaging & Collateral Design
  • Environmental Branding


  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Online and Offline Campaigns
  • Social Media Management
  • Events & Activations
  • Marketing Calendar Consultancy
  • Games & Marketing Gamification

Digital & Technology

  • Digital Audit
  • Digital Strategy
  • Website & App Design & Development
  • SEO Consultancy
  • E-commerce
  • CRM Strategy
  • CRM Implementation


  • Content Creation
  • Social Media Photos and Videos
  • Media Planning
  • Media Buying

Movember at WonderEight: Team Building Activity For Men’s Health

Raising awareness can be fun and engaging. Driving home an important message that can save lives doesn’t have to involve shock tactics or bleak messages. Each November, Movember puts the spotlight on men’s health issues, and so this year, we decided to make our internal awareness campaign especially memorable and unique with the Piñata challenge! Ditching all conventional approaches, we went for a team building activity that involved dividing the Wonderians into three teams. Each was given a box with exactly the same items: some stationary and candies – and was tasked to build the most creative moustache piñata. The heat was on. The teams were judged based on their teamwork, use of resources, creativity, speed, not taking sneaky cheaty shortcuts, and of course the final outcome. All of these are real factors we face in our daily life as an agency: time management, sharing resources, working under pressure and short deadlines. The whole activity reflected our corporate culture since we always dedicate time to “play seriously”. It was a refreshing break from the work routine and heightened our team spirit in addition to how we work together effectively and speedily.

More to see
Aug 2022

Getting creative juices flowing: how Wonderians do it

Jan 2022

The 21 Things That Fueled Our Creativity In 2021

Oct 2021

The 5 Wonderian Love Languages

Let's brainstorm

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