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Opinion Piece

Getting creative juices flowing: how Wonderians do it

Lack of inspiration, writer’s block, or creative rust. Terms abound when it comes to describing this moment when the wheels stop turning and it’s just you and that blank page, staring at each other. Add a looming deadline to the mix and you’ve got yourself a deadly cocktail!

Now before you start sipping on that, we’ve gathered Wonderians and asked them about what works for them in times of creative crisis.

Here’s what they had to say:

  • Plan: A little organization goes a long way in helping you get a clearer picture of where you’re heading and how to get there. By segmenting one big task into several, more digestible ones, you ease the pressure and set clear steps to reach that goal. A favorite of our Head of Strategy, but you would’ve guessed it all by yourself!
  • Research: As much as we creative minds hate to admit it, we’re rarely starting from scratch. Inspiration is all around us if we know where to look. And for most Wonderians, that’s online. When they feel a bit rusty, Art Directors and Social Media Managers alike mostly turn to the Internet, jump down some industry rabbit hole, or go back to an idea that caught their eye during their last YouTube binging session.
  • Power through: Just keep writing, just keep drawing, just keep thinking. That good idea is on its way. The pipeline is just cluttered by all the bad ideas that need to make an appearance on your blank page before the right one gets there. Needless to say, this solution is favored by content writers all around the world.
  • Brainstorm: Picking someone else’s brain can always help get a fresh perspective on your project and see things through a new, different angle. Inspiration knows no disciplines or job description. So yes, colleagues, but even taxi drivers. Rumor has it they’ve helped our Strategic Growth Manager crack a few codes throughout the years.
  • Relocate: Maybe it’s too crowded, or maybe you need to spend a bit of time outdoors. Our surroundings do impact our creativity and sense of productivity. This is mainly why WonderEight hubs combine open spaces, meeting rooms, tucked away offices, and green terraces complete with foosball sets. Just see who’s on a coffee break and challenge them to a game!
  • Unplug: Let your mind wander, go for a walk, have fun with Legos, or just make yourself a cup of something and listen to a song or two. “Attract, don’t chase”.


Whether they look within or without, each has their own way of fighting off lack of inspiration. What about you, what’s your go-to remedy of choice?

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