

  • Brand Audit
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Creation & CID
  • Packaging & Collateral Design
  • Environmental Branding


  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Online and Offline Campaigns
  • Social Media Management
  • Events & Activations
  • Marketing Calendar Consultancy
  • Games & Marketing Gamification

Digital & Technology

  • Digital Audit
  • Digital Strategy
  • Website & App Design & Development
  • SEO Consultancy
  • E-commerce
  • CRM Strategy
  • CRM Implementation


  • Content Creation
  • Social Media Photos and Videos
  • Media Planning
  • Media Buying
Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation

Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation

Client Ana2030, Services Advertising & Activations, Content Creation, Video & Photography, Social Media & Digital Campaigns, Industry Government, CSR & NGO, Created 2021,

The Idea

Year after year, Saudi Arabia’s National Day bears witness to the Kingdom’s unique, high-speed transformative journey to become an exemplary and leading nation at all levels. As a Riyadh based agency, we have had the privilege and pleasure to observe a people’s pride and dedication in action, celebrated each September 23rd in a burst of love and pride.
So, this year, we’ve decided to build on brands’ capacity to amplify a message, and have it ripple throughout the year, joining forces in a first-of-its-kind initiative leading up to Vision 2030.
We’ve called this momentum ANA 2030 – which translates to “I am 2030”.
And what a thrill it’s been to see clients and entities alike hop on board and take part in this adventure! Read on to find out how it all went down.

Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation
Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation
Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation

The Execution

We started with our very own: the Saudi talents that make up the WonderEight team, and who shared with us their aspirations and how they align with the Kingdom’s Vision2030. Then we picked up the conversation with different companies from the private sector and turned the initiative into a unique opportunity to innovate, both jointly and on an individual level.
Here’s how we took this message of passion, pride and unity online, offline, and everywhere in between.
• We produced a joint TVC gathering some of Saudi Arabia’s biggest brands and young Saudis who shared what Vision2030 means to them as companies and individuals.
• Designed and developed a website that acts as a platform highlighting the Saudi youth’s projects and ambitions across domains.
• Set up Ana2030 3D installations for people to share how they will contribute to the Kingdom’s vision and the ways it resonates with them.
• Then rolled out an online campaign across different social media platforms, endorsed by Saudi influencers and pop culture icons like Telfaz 11.

Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation

Clients' Campaigns

Our clients also made the most out of this opportunity, injecting Ana2030 with their own dose of fun and dedication!

• Jahez didn’t miss a beat! The entire ecosystem of the Kingdom’s #1 delivery app took part in the Ana2030 buzz. We took over football stadiums’ LED screens, and the Capital’s best outdoor spots. Treated the app to a special Ana2030 rebranding, and had more than 200 restaurants take part in the 2030 offers with exclusive Ana2030 merch made available through Jaheziyat.
• As Saudi Arabia’s first homegrown cinemas, muvi also went all out. We had the campaign TVC played before each screening and on outer screens for everyone to see, special offers on movie tickets and stamped the initiative’s logo on everything from stickers to staff’s T-shirts. Even rebranded the popcorn boxes!
• Other clients such as Dar wa Emaar also hopped on board, involving their resources, platforms, and communities in the momentum, as an homage to their country and its visionary journey.

Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation
Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation
Ana 2030 – A Tribute From The Saudi Private Sector To Their Nation

The Result

Ana 2030 hit the ground running and came as yet another proof of the pride and drive of an entire nation. It picked up speed and rippled across platforms and channels, gathering individuals, entities, companies and pop culture icons. The website was visited over 16,000 times over a few days, the TVC viewed 4M+ times, and the online campaign reached more than 40M.
And we’ve just started!

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Quaker Oats – Social Media Strategy, Content Creation & Development For KSA & The UAE

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